Business Advice

If you’re going to risk everything you have and work harder than most in your own business why wouldn’t you want to make the most of the opportunities available to you by maximising your profits and building the value of your business, perhaps so you can sell the business down the track, enabling you to fulfil long-dreamed of personal goals or retire comfortably?
Yet so many business owners never maximise their full business potential, or worse still, go bust, thinking that business improvement is all too difficult. In fact, there is a lot you can do with the right guidance and by focussing on a few simple techniques e.g. knowing your break-even point (taking into account your drawings and tax payments), reviewing your prices to make sure you’re covering all your costs or an 80/20 analysis of your customers to weed out the dross.
The extent of my advice to you can range from ad hoc advice to point you in the right direction or to becoming an integral member of your Management team. For clients who seek input into the wider aspects of running their business, I can provide advice, assistance and encouragement to help them reach their goals.
Improving your business involves looking at your business in depth and working through the following steps:
- Seeing where your business is now
- Planning for where you want the business to end up when it's successful
- Re-engineering your business in terms of Human Resources and Systems and Infrastructure
- Working on customers and customer processes
- Improving your products and service and their mix
- Making your marketing more effective
- Better managing your business
The business improvement process we go through can be summarised as:
Create Value
Business Systems
Getting your systems right will save you masses of time, create up-selling and cross-selling opportunities, make your business more attractive to future buyers, save creating something new every time therefore ensuring uniformity and better quality. In short, your business will be stronger, operate in a more efficient manner and be much easier to manage.
Learn how to systemise your business by introducing checklists, scripts, templates, standard documents, setting up regular reporting procedures and operations or procedural manuals.
Drowning in paperwork? Save time and money by going paperless, so you have more space and know where to find everything you need for your business to thrive.
In addition, ensure your business is in tip-top shape ready for day-to-day operations, sale or franchising by capturing and protecting your IP, systems, practices and procedures.
Systemisation will bring you great benefits:
- It will save you time
- Create up-selling and cross-selling opportunities
- Make your business more attractive to future buyers
- Saves creating something new every time therefore ensuring uniformity
- Your business will be stronger, operate in a more efficient manner and be much easier to manage
Do you have the right business systems in place?
Watch this short video to find out.
Business Start Ups

Are you looking for a new challenge or maybe longing to escape from a dreary job?
Do you want to turn your business dreams and ideas into reality
Starting a new business can be a minefield, so before you even start you probably need help to establish the viability of your business plans, manage the risks, carry out the necessary market & competitor research, decide on the best business name and work on your branding - and that’s just for starters!
If you have a good idea for a new business venture but don't have expertise in the legal or financial aspects of creating a new business, I can help you:
- Decide on the most suitable structure for your business - sole trader, partnership, or limited company
- Prepare a business plan, cashflow projections, budgets, and trading forecasts
- Assess your finance requirements, advise on the best sources of finance, and draw up the necessary proposals
- Establish a good working relationship with your bank
- Assist you to complete any registration procedures with Companies Office or the Inland Revenue
- Deal with all company secretarial issues
- Set up systems for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements
I can help you succeed.
Management Meetings
Properly structured regular management meetings with pre-prepared agendas are essential to allow management and/or business owners to work on the business away from the day-to-day minutiae and monitor progress towards business goals and work out the best way to get round roadblocks, in addition to providing accountability for subsequent action. I will prepare the agenda for, act as facilitator for and attend your management meetings.
Meeting Nick and asking him to help me with the accounting and business development of my company has proved to be a winner.
After some rather ugly and turbulent years I took back control of the business of which I am an equal partner. This business needed some stability, planning and growth. With Nick on board I have been able to settle into getting accounts up to date and have begun a business development process. To help defray his costs, Nick secured a grant from the Ministry of Economic Development. So we are forging ahead and under Nick's guidance the business is starting to build a framework for the future.
Nick is professional but easy to work with, very responsive and has a firm grip on how to develop a business. He is much more than just an accountant - the name of his business says it all. Thanks Nick, for the guidance and advice.
Mark Binning - The Traditional Bagels Bakery Ltd